This is the year we were forced to drop a 5 track SALUTE for three of our artist family members : OC ROBERTS, SILKKEY D and one of our AMBASSADOR artists MADI SIMMONS. We knew these three gentlemen over the years as friends and family and they were all exceptionally talented, entertaining and uplifting people with their positive vibrations. All three gentlemen had a distinctly different style which was loved by all whom they met, worked with and entertained. Our loss is certainly heaven's gain for we all know they are singing and writing music to make ready for us! May JAH bless us all !
We have covered OC ROBERTS, SILKKEY D and MADI SIMMONS numerous times over the years promoting their music with SHYRICK NEWS REEL and BOSSmagazine . Here is a collection of these posts which hold videos, music links, their story and much more. We have collected them here to pay tribute and for you who never knew these three, please take the time to do so. You won't regret it !
Who can forget those deep rich vocals OC ROBERTS honed as lead singer and then down the line as a disc jockey for FM Radio stations. Tap on this NEWS REEL LINK and this BOSSmagazine LINK to watch, listen and read about this fascinating Jamaican born USA seasoned Reggae artist.
It is all in the name family. SILKKEY D delivered the smooth notes that would make the ladies swoon. It was his superpower! If you loved silky smooth lover's vibes SILKKEY D delivered with cream on top ! Tap on this NEWS REEL LINK and this BOSSmagazine LINK to watch, listen and read about this fascinating Jamaican born USA seasoned Reggae artist.
When you work with the artists over time, the many conversations and the shared love for a special specific genre lends it's self easily to friendships and sometimes eventually a sense of an extended family bond. MADI SIMMONS fostered this energy with each and every person he met. Everyone was special to him.
A few artists whose vibes have flown through this station were elevated to AMBASSADOR status because they often take the time to interact with SHYRICK NATION at the station or while networking . MADI SIMMONS took on the role with great zeal and we here will always love and appreciate him for that!
Tap on this NEWS REEL LINK and this BOSSmagazine LINK to watch, listen and read about this fascinating USA born originally Blues artist turned Rootsman!
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