BINGOED out on Monday night's show was : LADY SONGBIRD (ALL OF YOU) and JAH NICENESS (1000 PULL UPS). JAN NICENESS was the runner up from our FINAL BINGO with his track and the track was consequently tossed back into the race in January. He managed to hang on 6 weeks and has qualified for the FINAL BINGO . LADY SONGBIRD however needs a little redemption in our upcoming REDEMPTION BINGO if she wants ro see any hope in getting a seat in that FINAL BINGO.
Here's the two new tracks currently running on BOSS HIT LIST ( Top 5 Tracks of the Week. ) Hit those >> GO BUTTONS<< and take a listen, real bangers dem !!!
Make sure to stay tuned in to BOSS HIT LIST ( Top 5 Tracks of the week) because there's plenty of time before the season wraps up and lots can happen! Who is your hopeful for ARTIST OF THE YEAR? Keep your fingers crossed for them because our next BINGOS are : MARCH 24th be there !!!! >>>